Why did Hitler fail in World War 2?

     By June 1940, Hitler had captured a large area in Europe that no other leader could ever reach.  Countries including Poland, Norway, Denmark, Benelux and France were directly under his administration. Despite these successes, Hitler lost the war because using the right technology incorrectly, declaring war on the USSR (Soviet Union) and he did not listen to his commanders.
     The first reason of loss of the war; using right technology incorrectly. Hitler did not take advantage of mass production techniques. Instead, he gave priority on the demand of producing certain weapons, rather than producing a limited number of weapons in masses. Individual activities were limited, but mass production was easy. He was fascinated by this; and returned to growing tanks and weapons. Thus, German economy was damaged.
     The second reason of loss of the war was declaring war on the Soviet Union. The occupation of  Russia (1941) was undoubtedly the biggest mistake of Hitler's career, because Russia has mountainous land and challenging winter climate. Therefore, The Nazi General Staff did not want this occupation. Unfortunately, Hitler persisted in this wrong decision.    
     The third reason of loss of the war was Hitler; he did not listen to his commanders. The administration of military operations also showed similar flaws. He believed in the understanding that ‘‘the burden of Reich depends on me’’. He did not take too seriously ideas of his front line commanders during the war, because there was no experience of military command. Therefore, he could not understand the problems facing the front line army. For example, do not occupy the UK and attack the USSR in winter.
     In conclusion, reasons of loss of the war by Hitler caused by using the technology incorrectly, declaring war on the USSR and Hitler did not listen to commanders. I think, he could win the war, if he did not interfere in the army administration. If a soldier does not know how to wear a war shirt, that is made of fire and it burns him, in the end.


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