Should money be spent on space exploration?

   Mankind’s curiosity that from the first era and their researcher structure have been causing space exploration. Therefore, mankind has looked up to sky, after space. Space has a lot of obscurity and mystery. Space engaged human’s attention because of they are very curious creatures. However, nowadays, space exploration spending has rose much. In my opinion, while the world has hunger problem, before we do not solve this problem, space exploration spending should be increased. After World War 2, the world divided into two bipolar worlds. One pole which winner of war is Soviet Union, another pole is US. From 1950s, Cold War began. These the biggest power began to contest about nuclear researches and space exploration. In 1945, when US threw the two atom bomb, it showed world its own power. After, Soviet Union also began to nuclear researches and they have built the world’s strongest atom bomb: Tsar Bomb. This atom bomb is stronger than thrown bomb to Hiroshima and Nagasaki’s atom bombs. Thereupon, Soviet Union has directed way to Space. Soviet has thrown first satellite that is Sputnik 1 to Space in 1957.


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