Does Genetic or Environment Influence People Life?

Human grows up with a lot of factor. According to some people genetic is more influenced and according to other people environment is more influenced. There are a lot of reasons and results for that environment influences our life.
Some people say genetic influences people’s life because genetic is us. People was created genes by God. Therefore, they support genetic is more influenced than environment. They say that there are a lot of genetic illness. They come from our family, father and mother. For example, if a person has down syndrome, this illness influences his life. In short, they support our genes affects our life.
On the other hand, some people say that environment affects our life more than genetic because people live their environment. It has our school, friends, politics, different ideologies etc. For example, if a human is educated very well, he can be successful person. So, this influences his life. Genetic is not enough alone.
Furthermore, genetic is not enough alone. There are a lot of effects which influence our life. But environmental factors are more than genetic. These environmental factors show us opinions, talent, hobbies are influences people’s life. When you grow up in Soviet Union, you will be communist. It is not related in genetic.
In conclusion, there are many result for that environmental factors affect human’s life and genetic factors is not enough alone. People are influenced environmental reasons more. For example, you grow up in family that have left ideology, you will have left ideology and you cannot have right ideology in this family.
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