The Negative Effects of Industrialization
The industrial revolution started in Manchester, UK, Europe beginning of nineteenth century. This revolution has influenced the world increasingly. Firstly, basic machines, especially steamy, was invented. After, they were developed and they became steamy train, steamboat, machines that in factories etc. Although industrial revolution has brought many positive effects, there are more important three negative effects that are collapses of less strong states, child labor problem and environmental pollution.
First of all, there were many superpower empires such as Ottoman Empire. After the industrial revolution, this kind of empires started to lose their own powers. To study Ottoman Empire, Ottoman Empire was one of superpower empires in the world until the revolution. A lot of factor resisted to assimilate this revolution’s benefits such as reactionary groups and military that was the Janissaries. When a sultan wanted to bring an innovation, they rioted immediately. Therefore, Ottoman Empire collapsed because they could not establish new factories. Namely, they could not adapt the new age.
Second negative aspect is child labor problem. In fact, this problem was not popular until development of workers rights, especially after World War 2. By beginning of industrial revolution, companies, industries and factories needed new many workers. Some states have solved this problem by slavery from Africa. Other states solved this problem by operating child labors who are younger than eighteen. Child labors were operated under very bad conditions. Bosses were operating child labors free and necessarily.
Third is environmental pollution that is still influencing human life. When environmental pollution is mentioned, air, water, soil, light and noise pollutions can be said. According to researches, air pollutions rate was 12% before the revolution. In 1840, this rate has risen 27%. After fifty years, in 1890, this rate became %41. Furthermore, two world wars contributed negatively. In these wars, too much weapons, bombs, especially nukes, tanks etc. were used. All areas were influenced negatively. Today, these mistakes are trying to be repaired.
When everything is taken into account, there are three negative results of industrial revolution that are collapse of less strong empires, child labors and environmental pollution. This revolution caused end of many empires, breach of human rights and massacre of environment. Governments have to take precautions if they want a better world for next generations. When we are careful about using industrialization well, we can use its benefits.
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